ASTROFEIN PicoSatellite Launcher PSL
ASTROFEIN has been successfully developing and building deployers for Cube and NanoSats for over ten years. With an extensive flight heritage and thousands of flight hours, the company is one of the leading suppliers on the market. The product portfolio includes 1U, 2U, 3U 6U to 12U deployers. Customised formats can be realised on request. We ensure a high level of security thanks to closed casing, reliable anchoring of the satellite and patented opening mechanism.
Our ASTROFEIN PSLs can be operated intuitively, saving additional costs and time. The easy handling requires no active support.
ASTROFEIN offers training to familiarise them with the technology.
Customised configurations of a PSL6U, PSL6UXL, PSL12U, PSL12U XL and PSL16U
can be adjusted up to 7 weeks before “Ready to Ship”.
It is also possible to combine standard CubeSat sizes together with XL CubeSats sizes.
For this, spacers must be used, which ASTROFEIN of course also offers.
Innovative and safe
The ASTROFEIN PicoSatellite Launcher ensures:
Fixation of the CubeSat in X, Y and Z during launch (patented).
No bumping of the CubeSats inside the deployer
Closed enclosure for high safety
No ejection until the door is fully open and locked (patented)
Defined ejection energy and low tumbling rate
User-friendly system that can be easily reset
Redundancy in release and confirmation signal
Large clearance for attachments to the CubeSat
Access openings for maintenance at the launch site
Fully qualified technology